Monday 22 March 2010

Suruma & Islam

As a tradition, muslims usually regard suruma as a auspicious and apply it daily in their eyes especially before they go for namaz.

Suruma can thus described as a greyish black coloured shiny stone, which is rubbed on the hard surface like stone or tile.Suruma obtained from the mountain rocks, situated in saudi arabia .It contains mica, lead & graphite, which is available in the form of stone and is then made into a powder form.The best quality stone is hard and is rubbed on a hard surface into powder for its application with a clear finger tip.


  1. Thanks for your notes

  2. In Islam iris not necessary to use in namas. Please don't write anything unreal practices. Suruma Muslims uses as kajal. Hilal.

    1. What is necessary nd what is useless will be upto our concious.... So pls don't put this type of bullshit reply here , hereafter.
